Service and Citizenship
The Service and Citizenship programme at Scotch has evolved over decades of engagement by boys in a multitude of service activities.
Service action is facilitated through partnerships with agencies and encouraging boys to seek out individual opportunities to serve, giving tangible expression to our Christian values.
From Kindergarten to Year 12, boys have access to service activities framed around the Scotch Service Model cornerstones: Nurture; Inspire; Sustain; and Connect. Service is at the heart of all three International Baccalaureate programmes, and central to our school moto of 'Preparing Boys for Life' - a life of servant leadership.
Boys in the Junior School are encouraged to look for ways to help others - in their family, peer group and in the broader local community. The Primary Years Programme; enquire-reflect-act process, allows boys to explore ways of serving others. Organisation including; 'Kids Who Give WA' and 'UnitingCare West' provide tangible opportunities for boys to serve.
In Middle School boys are provided opportunities to serve through class activities and service clubs. Boys are encouraged to initiate service action and take a leadership role in managing activities. Examples of service activities in Middle School include:
- Fundraising for Dunally School in Tasmania which was destroyed in a fire.
- Making dolls for Uthando Orphanage in Zimbabwe
- Collecting clothing and food for the homeless
- Performing music at aged care facilities
Boys in the Senior School complete a programme of Service Learning during school hours in Year 10 which involves service partnerships with multiple external agencies working with diverse groups such as; the mentally and intellectually disabled, the aged, the homeless and refugees.
Service action also takes place in House groups and through Student Council activities. By accumulating service points, boys are able to work towards awards of Colours and Honours for Service and Citizenship.
Senior boys have an opportunity to go on service trips to remote Australia, Cambodia, India and Tanzania.
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