Round Square
Preparing young people for life through service, challenge, adventure and international understanding.
Scotch College is a Global Member of the Round Square network of over 180 schools around the world that share a commitment, beyond academic excellence, to personal development and responsibility, service, challenge, adventure and international understanding.
Scotch has long sought to encourage boys to experience a broad offering of co-curricular activities. Round Square offers a structure for the organization and promotion of activities within the IDEALS framework of internationalism, democracy, environment, adventure, leadership and service.
International understanding
Scotch applies International Baccalaureate programmes throughout the school and boys are taught subjects within a global context. Students are encouraged to engage with the world by joining international trips venturing to different parts of the world for sport, languages and academic extension and conferences.
Service projects to India, Cambodia and Tanzania and elsewhere provide further expressions of Internationalism and global citizenship.
Teaching students both the values of democracy and the importance of active participation in democracy is essential to Round Square schools.
The Student Council and Round Square Committees in Senior and Middle Schools provide opportunities for boys to comment on various school matters and take action on a range of issues.
Environmental awareness
Students are taught the importance of tending to the future of the planet through active stewardship. Scotch students have opportunities to action on local, national or international environmental projects such as rejuvenating a local wetland and planting trees on the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro.
From Year 3, Scotch boys undergo an extensive programme of outdoor education camps and other Action experiences. Many of the camps are based at Moray, the school's Outdoor Education centre on a rural property in Dwellingup, south of Perth. Senior students can venture further afield on Expedition-style trips to various parts of the state and overseas to places as diverse as New Zealand and Tanzania.
Scotch College encourages Servant Leadership whereby boys serve to create a stronger and more just community. Opportunities for student leadership in the school's community exist at all year levels and through many class and co-curricular activities.
Students learn about service in the primary years where they are encouraged to take action on issues within their sphere of contacts and interests.
Through Middle School and Senior School, students are increasingly exposed to the role of local service agencies working to support disaffected and disadvantaged groups in our society.
Senior boys have the opportunity to take part in additional service projects in remote Australia as well as overseas to Cambodia, India and Tanzania.
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76 Shenton Road
WA 6010
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