Year 11 Aydin Hutchison wins Duke of Ed gold
Scotch College congratulates our most recent recipient of the Duke of Ediburgh's Gold Award.
In a very special celebrationin honour of the 60th anniversary of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award in Australia, Scotch College student, Aydin Hutchison (Year 11, Anderson), received his Gold Award. Aydin was one of only six recipients.
Aydin has managed to achieve his Gold Award at the age of 17 after already achieving his Bronze and Silver Awards. Aydin was honoured to be invited to receive his Award at the national celebrations in Sydney but due to them clashing with exams, decided to attend with the major celebration on the Western Australian calendar. He received his Award from the Governor, The Honourable Kim Beazley AC. A guest of honour at the event was Old Scotch Collegian, Mr Ross MacKenzie (1966) who received his Award from the Queen Mother in 1966.
The value of the Award to our boys' future cannot be underestimated. As part of his reflection, Aydin commented that:
"Overall, I learnt a lot about myself by doing every level of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. I became aware of my abilities and my commitment to improve my skills and knowledge throughout each section of the Award process. I found that after completing each level my skill and ability was a lot broader, especially in Karate and Photography. I really enjoyed working with my assessors and Award Leader to complete all sections of the Award. My main focus now is to become an Award Leader for my College and help other people reach their true potential through the Award so that if anyone needs help completing their Award, I can guide them as my mentors guided me."
View all the photos on Vidigami here.